Maya粉碎聚合特视频教程 特效动画制作效果教学 附源文件

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Have you ever wanted to have a few solid effects under your belt to create in a time crunch? In this course, Maya Dynamics: Common Effects Techniques, you’ll learn how to create two simple separate scenes, and start adding all the effects on top to create a final shot. First, you’ll begin by creating a scene where you’ll discover how to create blood, shattered glass, and dust effects. Next, you’ll dive into the next scene where you’ll create a logo animation utilizing fantasy effects. Finally, you’ll learn how to efficiently render these effects, and how they work together in compositing. By the end of this course, you’ll have a better understanding of how these effects can be useful, and be able to create them in under 30 minutes. Software required: Maya.

Maya粉碎聚合特视频教程 特效动画制作效果教学 附源文件 Maya粉碎聚合特视频教程 特效动画制作效果教学 附源文件 Maya粉碎聚合特视频教程 特效动画制作效果教学 附源文件 Maya粉碎聚合特视频教程 特效动画制作效果教学 附源文件 Maya粉碎聚合特视频教程 特效动画制作效果教学 附源文件 Maya粉碎聚合特视频教程 特效动画制作效果教学 附源文件 Maya粉碎聚合特视频教程 特效动画制作效果教学 附源文件
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