Maya机甲女战士建模视频教程 角色建模教学视频 附源文件

用户头像 格雷尔的小剪刀
This is the first Tutorial from a series that will establish the Metal-X8 Project based on a DIMA Chen’s concept.
In this one I will show you my process to model the Armored Mech using HardSurface techniques.
This Tuto is recommended for an intermediate/confirme level in modeling. I don’t explain basic tools.
I work with Maya 2015, but this can be reproduced in any Maya version and in any other 3D software with similar modeling tools.
– 2Hrs of Realtime video with English commentary.
– 15Hrs of Realtime video without audio.

Maya机甲女战士建模视频教程 角色建模教学视频 附源文件 Maya机甲女战士建模视频教程 角色建模教学视频 附源文件 Maya机甲女战士建模视频教程 角色建模教学视频 附源文件 Maya机甲女战士建模视频教程 角色建模教学视频 附源文件 Maya机甲女战士建模视频教程 角色建模教学视频 附源文件 Maya机甲女战士建模视频教程 角色建模教学视频 附源文件
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