Illustrating Spain in the US 一册 Ana Merino 漫画下载

用户头像 泡芙老师
A dazzling combination of comics and essays sheds light on the rich but often overlooked contributions of Spanish immigrants to the political, cultural, and scientific history of the US. Since the very founding of the United States, the country’s history has been intertwined with that of Spain’s, in many essential yet often overlooked ways. Illustrating Spain in the US brings together some of Spain's most acclaimed cartoonists and scholars to celebrate and interrogate the contributions of Spanish immigrants to America’s political, cultural, and scientific history.


Illustrating Spain in the US 一册 Ana Merino 漫画下载 Illustrating Spain in the US 一册 Ana Merino 漫画下载 Illustrating Spain in the US 一册 Ana Merino 漫画下载 Illustrating Spain in the US 一册 Ana Merino 漫画下载 Illustrating Spain in the US 一册 Ana Merino 漫画下载
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