Night Fisher 一册 R. Kikuo Johnson 漫画下载

用户头像 泡芙老师
First-rate prep school, SUV, and a dream house in the heights — an island paradise was handed to Loren Foster when he moved to Hawaii with his father six years ago. Now, with the end of high school just around the corner, his best friend, Shane, has grown distant. Rumors abound. Loren suspects that Shane has left him behind for a new group of friends. Their friendship is put to the test when they get mixed up in a petty crime. Johnson has a naturalistic ease in exploring these relationships, which sets this drama apart. This graphic novel debut is at once an unsentimental portrait of that most awkward period between adolescence and young adulthood and that rarest of things — a mature depiction of immature lives. His lush-yet-unsentimental-depiction of Maui creates an immersive, visceral sense of place.


Night Fisher 一册 R. Kikuo Johnson 漫画下载 Night Fisher 一册 R. Kikuo Johnson 漫画下载 Night Fisher 一册 R. Kikuo Johnson 漫画下载 Night Fisher 一册 R. Kikuo Johnson 漫画下载 Night Fisher 一册 R. Kikuo Johnson 漫画下载
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