Legend of Isis: Nephthys Revenge 一册 Aaron Stueve 漫画下载

用户头像 泡芙老师
漫画内容简介[机翻]:洛夫博士的海市蜃楼和幻觉迷宫正在分崩离析,但他仍然为伊希斯准备了一个绝招。 导致一些重大变化,每个人最喜欢的时光倒流的准女神将首次再次与爱博士对决! 但这一切意味着什么? 伊希斯真的是神吗? 是她“创造”了弗雷德里克先生他们吗?
原文内容简介:Dr. Love's maze of mirages and illusions is falling apart, but he still has one trick up his sleeve for Isis. Leading in to some big changes, everyone's favorite time-tossed-would-be-goddess faces off against Dr. Love again for the first time! But what does it all mean? Is Isis really a god? Did she "create" Mr. Frederick and the others?

Legend of Isis: Nephthys Revenge 一册 Aaron Stueve 漫画下载 Legend of Isis: Nephthys Revenge 一册 Aaron Stueve 漫画下载 Legend of Isis: Nephthys Revenge 一册 Aaron Stueve 漫画下载 Legend of Isis: Nephthys Revenge 一册 Aaron Stueve 漫画下载 Legend of Isis: Nephthys Revenge 一册 Aaron Stueve 漫画下载

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