Think Tank Vol. 01 2012 百度网盘下载 177MB

用户头像 lomoming

Dr. David Loren is many things: child prodigy, inventor, genius, slacker ...mass murderer. When a military think tank's smartest scientist decides he can no longer stomach creating weapons of destruction, will he be able to think his way out of his dilemma or find himself subject to the machinations of smaller men? Collecting "Think Tank" numbered 1-4, this trade paperback is jam-packed with a complete cover gallery, bonus articles, behind-the-scenes sketches, and more.


Think Tank Vol. 01 2012 百度网盘下载 177MB Think Tank Vol. 01 2012 百度网盘下载 177MB Think Tank Vol. 01 2012 百度网盘下载 177MB Think Tank Vol. 01 2012 百度网盘下载 177MB Think Tank Vol. 01 2012 百度网盘下载 177MB Think Tank Vol. 01 2012 百度网盘下载 177MB Think Tank Vol. 01 2012 百度网盘下载 177MB
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