One 第3册 Sylvain Cordurié 漫画下载

用户头像 会咬人的埃米尔
原文内容简介:Dick Greenwood is a one-man force for world peace, and his plans are nearing fruition—because he’s single-handedly “assimilated” scores of world leaders through blood transfusion, making them puppets of his powerful, domineering personality. Now, with bloodcog Julian Lethercore in his clutches at a secret Colorado base, he’s about to fit in the final piece of his puzzle, finding out all about the late Senator Pershing’s secret experiments. Can Kate Cliffbridge and her crew manage to save Julian in time? And even if they do, how will they ever expose Greenwood and put a stop to… world peace?

One 第3册 Sylvain Cordurié 漫画下载 One 第3册 Sylvain Cordurié 漫画下载 One 第3册 Sylvain Cordurié 漫画下载 One 第3册 Sylvain Cordurié 漫画下载 One 第3册 Sylvain Cordurié 漫画下载

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