The Ones 第4册 Brian Michael Bendis 漫画下载

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漫画内容简介[机翻]:THE ones -每一个人在每一个神话被告知他们是一个团队的失败真正的那个。预言是这么说的,但事情并没有发生。那么,关于真神的预言是一堆废话还是什么?我是说,我们就这么让小撒旦为所欲为吗?天选之子能活着继续战斗吗还是我们都完蛋了?
原文内容简介:THE ONES–every single person in every mythology that was told they were THE ONE teams up to defeat . . . THE ONE. The actual one. The real actual one. well, that’s what the prophecy said and it didn’t happen. So, is this entire prophecy about the Ones a bunch of crap or what? I mean, we’re just going to let toddler Satan do whatever the hell he wants?  Will the chosen ones live to fight another day or are we all effed?

The Ones 第4册 Brian Michael Bendis 漫画下载 The Ones 第4册 Brian Michael Bendis 漫画下载 The Ones 第4册 Brian Michael Bendis 漫画下载 The Ones 第4册 Brian Michael Bendis 漫画下载 The Ones 第4册 Brian Michael Bendis 漫画下载

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