Distorted 第1册 Salvatore Vivenzio 漫画下载

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原文内容简介:Somewhere in the world, there is someone who feels different/special/cursed, who is losing their mind right now. You're not alone. Take James for example. He would like to run away from his parents and from a life that doesn't belong to him. On the other hand, Tom is forced to face his past and hunt down his own kind, like a hound on the leash of an unknown master. Brennar is on the hunt for money and a peace he can't find anywhere. They are three people whose superpowers are more like a burden. In this world, there are no superheroes.

Distorted 第1册 Salvatore Vivenzio 漫画下载 Distorted 第1册 Salvatore Vivenzio 漫画下载 Distorted 第1册 Salvatore Vivenzio 漫画下载 Distorted 第1册 Salvatore Vivenzio 漫画下载 Distorted 第1册 Salvatore Vivenzio 漫画下载

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