Sheena Queen of the Jungle 第10册 漫画 百度网盘下载

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传奇编剧史蒂文·e·德·索萨继续编织一部现代低俗杰作,而希娜则探索了奇怪的——非常奇怪的——失落的——非常失落的——世界。这个系列已经拥有了一切,现在我们要为结尾尖叫了!艺术家Jethro Morales继续与回归的封面艺术家Lucio Parillo、Arthur Suydam、Joseph Michael Linsner和令人惊叹的新coser Jackie Goehner一起描绘Sheena的冒险故事,完成了书架上最惊险的冒险漫画!
Legendary screenwriter Steven E. de Souza continues to weave a modern pulp masterpiece as Sheena explores strange — very strange — and lost — very lost — worlds. This series has had everything, and now we’re about to scream toward the conclusion! Artist Jethro Morales continues to illustrate the adventures of Sheena with returning cover artist Lucio Parillo, Arthur Suydam, Joseph Michael Linsner and stunning new cosplayer Jackie Goehner rounding out the most thrilling adventure comic on the racks!

Sheena Queen of the Jungle 第10册 漫画 百度网盘下载 Sheena Queen of the Jungle 第10册 漫画 百度网盘下载 Sheena Queen of the Jungle 第10册 漫画 百度网盘下载 Sheena Queen of the Jungle 第10册 漫画 百度网盘下载 Sheena Queen of the Jungle 第10册 漫画 百度网盘下载

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