Sword of Justice 第1册 漫画 百度网盘下载

用户头像 伊琳
After eons of rule by the Moon Colony, the chosen underlings of Earth picked to provide the fresh water needed for the moon colony take jurisdiction of local areas have become greedy. These local prophets are sly, and hunger for power and control. Their fabricated religion dispenses extreme punishment to those that fight and resist their rule. No one escapes. Slavery and death became the norm. Who will save the world?

Sword of Justice 第1册 漫画 百度网盘下载 Sword of Justice 第1册 漫画 百度网盘下载 Sword of Justice 第1册 漫画 百度网盘下载 Sword of Justice 第1册 漫画 百度网盘下载 Sword of Justice 第1册 漫画 百度网盘下载

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