Dogs of London 第5册 漫画 百度网盘下载

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弗兰克·巴布斯爵士终于与他认为自己早已杀死并埋葬的儿时好友重聚。但谁会成为赢家呢?弗兰克会发现丹尼·文斯杀死他深爱的奥黛丽的真正原因吗?狗狗们能原谅丹尼对他们做的事吗?在《DOGS of LONDON》第五期也是最后一期中,有一段年轻爱情的罗曼史。一个古老的家族秘密。这是一群老男人之间的激烈争吵,他们应该更清楚。还有意想不到的爱的宣言。汪汪汪!
Sir Frank Babbs is finally reunited with the childhood friends he thought he’d killed and buried long ago. But who’s going to end up top dog? Will Frank find out the real reason why Danny Vince killed his beloved Audrey? Can The Dogs forgive Danny for what he did to them? In the fifth and final issue of DOGS OF LONDON, there’s the romance of young love. A dark old family secret. A right old tear-up between a lot of old men who should know better. And an unexpected declaration of love. Woof woof!


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