Count Crowley Amateur Midnight Monster Hunter 第4册 漫画 网盘下载

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对Jerri Bartman来说,唯一比学会如何不喝酒过好一天更困难的事情是学习如何打败吸血鬼。与流行的观点相反,阳光、圣水和木桩穿透心脏并没有多大帮助。如果她想活过今晚,Jerri必须学习很多关于怪物固定的知识。《克劳力伯爵:业余午夜怪物猎人》的惊人结论肯定会让最坚韧、最热血的漫画读者感到震惊和恐惧。准备迎接疯狂的怪物!
The only thing harder for Jerri Bartman than learning how to get through her day without a drink is learning how to defeat a vampire. Contrary to popular opinion, sunlight, holy water and stakes through the heart don't do much to help. If she's going to survive the night, Jerri will have to learn a lot about monster immobilization. The startling conclusion to Count Crowley: Amateur Midnight Monster Hunter is sure to shock and horrify even the most resilient and red-blooded comic readers. Prepare for . . . the Mad Monster!

Count Crowley Amateur Midnight Monster Hunter 第4册 漫画 网盘下载 Count Crowley Amateur Midnight Monster Hunter 第4册 漫画 网盘下载 Count Crowley Amateur Midnight Monster Hunter 第4册 漫画 网盘下载 Count Crowley Amateur Midnight Monster Hunter 第4册 漫画 网盘下载 Count Crowley Amateur Midnight Monster Hunter 第4册 漫画 网盘下载

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