Damn Them All 第001册 漫画 百度网盘下载

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在这部新的黑暗超自然惊悚小说中,《我们有恶魔》和《有些东西正在杀死孩子们》的粉丝,来认识一下埃莉·“血腥的埃尔”·霍桑:神秘学家。在艾莉的叔叔,一个臭名昭著的魔术师和神秘侦探的死亡后,72个恶魔的Ars Goetia被神秘地从他们的地狱王国释放。现在轮到Ellie去追踪每一个被流放的恶魔,用任何必要的手段把他们赶回地狱……圣水,魔法,或者只是她信赖的生锈的羊角锤。《行尸走肉》的传奇艺术家Charlie Adlard和《步步血腥》的编剧Simon Spurrier一起为大家介绍自John Constantine以来你最喜欢的新的神秘反英雄!
In this new dark supernatural thriller for fans of We Have Demons and Something is Killing the Children, meet Ellie "Bloody El" Hawthorne: occultist-for-hire. Following the death of Ellie's uncle, an infamous magician and occult detective, the 72 devils of the Ars Goetia are mysteriously freed from their infernal realm. It's now up to Ellie to track down each of these exiled demons and damn them right back to Hell by any means necessary... holy water, conjuration, or just her trusty, rusty claw hammer. Legendary The Walking Dead artist Charlie Adlard teams up with Step By Bloody Step scribe Simon Spurrier to introduce your favorite new occult antihero since John Constantine!

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