Alter Ego 第1册 Camille 漫画 百度网盘下载

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Camille是一个住在新加坡的法国女孩,她和母亲Suzanne Rochant的关系正经历着一段艰难的时期,她的母亲是一位雄心勃勃的心理学和神经科学研究员。突然之间,苏珊娜在悲惨的情况下被残忍杀害。几乎就在那之后,卡米尔动身前往安哥拉的一个村庄,寻找可能是她父亲的人……她从未见过的父亲。她带着母亲遗嘱中留给这个男人的一封信,但等待她的真相并不是她所想的……卡米尔很快发现自己被她母亲的生意的黑暗面所包裹,因为她拼命地试图弄清她苏珊娜留下的所有未回答的问题。
Camille, a French girl living in Singapore, is going through a tough time in her relationship with her mother, Suzanne Rochant, a high-flying psychology and neuroscience researcher. Out of the blue, Suzanne is brutally killed in tragic circumstances. Almost immediately afterwards, Camille sets off for an Angolan village in search of the man who could be her father... the father that she's never met. She carries a letter left to this man in her mother's will, but the truth awaiting her isn't exactly what she'd had in mind... Camille soon finds herself wrapped up in the shady goings-on of her mother's business, as she desperately tries to get to the bottom of all the unanswered questions her Suzanne left with.


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