Vampire Boy 第002册 The Curse 漫画 百度网盘下载

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男孩吸血鬼被Ahmasi追捕,Ahmasi追着他穿越了时间,被一种比生命本身更大的仇恨所驱动。Ahmasi发现了男孩和热的藏身之处,他不得不带着热和云离开这座城市。他们逃到了新奥尔良,狂热的家乡。当Ahmasi再次出现时,男孩吸血鬼离开了铁轨,把Fever和Evening Cloud留在了新奥尔良。Ahmasi摧毁了整个组织,只剩下Fever还在苟且。当男孩吸血鬼听说了大屠杀,他回到新奥尔良,并与狂热形成了一个协议,彻底摧毁Ahmasi。
The Boy Vampire is pursued by Ahmasi, who has chased him through time, fueled by a hatred larger than life itself. Ahmasi discovers the Boy’s hiding place with Fever, and he has to leave the city with Fever and Cloud. They flee to New Orleans, Fever’s home town. When Ahmasi shows up again, the Boy Vampire takes to the rails, leaving Fever and Evening Cloud in New Orleans. Ahmasi decimates the group, leaving only Fever clinging to life. When Boy Vampire hears of the massacre, he returns to New Orleans and forms a pact with Fever to destroy Ahmasi once for all.

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