Going into Town A Love Letter to New York 漫画 百度网盘下载

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《纽约客》漫画家、《纽约时报》畅销书作家罗兹·查斯特(Roz Chast)是土生土长的布鲁克林人,后来转行到郊区通勤,被认为是典型的纽约人。他一直对曼哈顿的辉煌景象充满热情——每天在人行道上飙车的人和闲逛的人之间的冲突,各种迷人的着装要求,以及来自社会各界的灵魂无价的疯狂爆发。
New Yorker cartoonist and NYT bestselling author Roz Chast, native Brooklynite-turned-suburban commuter deemed the quintessential New Yorker, has always been intensely alive to the glorious spectacle that is Manhattan--the daily clash of sidewalk racers and dawdlers, the fascinating range of dress codes, and the priceless, nutty outbursts of souls from all walks of life.
For Chast, adjusting to life outside the city was surreal (you can own trees!? you have to drive!?), but she recognized that the reverse was true for her kids. On trips into town, they would marvel at the strange visual world of Manhattan--its blackened sidewalk gum wads, "those West Side Story-things" (fire escapes)--its crazily honeycombed systems and grids.
Told through Chast's singularly zany, laugh-out-loud, touching, and true cartoons, Going into Town is part New York stories (the "overheard and overseen" of the island borough), part personal and practical guide to walking, talking, renting, and venting--an irresistible, one-of-a-kind love letter to the city.

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