Godzilla: Monsters & Protectors All Hail the King! 第001册 漫画下载

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一年过去了,令塞德里克沮丧的是,哥斯拉再也没有出现过。当然,这意味着没有破坏,但这也是他的视频博客最受欢迎的系列视频。他需要新的内容!他的收视率在下降,他也没办法了。他被网络恶霸龙(Dragon)和凯伦·希加(Karen Higa)指责说谎,前者试图看看塞德里克是否真的有哥斯拉的能力,后者则有自己的计划。表面之下还有更多的事情在发生,但塞德里克会在比哥斯拉更致命的东西出现之前发现吗?
It’s been a year, and to Cedric’s dismay, there have been no more Godzilla sightings. Sure, that means no destruction, but it was also his vlog’s most popular series of videos. He needs new content! His views are dropping, and he’s running out of ideas. He’s being called out for lying by cyberbullies Dragon, who is trying to see if Cedric really has the Godzilla chops, and Karen Higa, who has her own agenda. There’s more going on beneath the surface, but will Cedric find out what before something deadlier than Godzilla rears its head?

Godzilla: Monsters & Protectors All Hail the King! 第001册 漫画下载 Godzilla: Monsters & Protectors All Hail the King! 第001册 漫画下载 Godzilla: Monsters & Protectors All Hail the King! 第001册 漫画下载 Godzilla: Monsters & Protectors All Hail the King! 第001册 漫画下载 Godzilla: Monsters & Protectors All Hail the King! 第001册 漫画下载

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