Dungeon Twilight 第1-4册 漫画 百度网盘下载

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重新发行这些早期卷在一个新的更大的综合!地下城所在的Terra Amata星球已经停止转动。一边是完全的黑暗和绝对的寒冷;另一边是灼热的沙漠和永恒的白昼。幸存者生活在白天和黑夜交汇的那片薄薄的土地上。一个被称为暮光之城的领域。欢迎来到地下城世界的第三面,它的黑暗堕落。马文,现在又老又瞎,预感到自己的末日,踏上了前往传说中的龙墓地的长途跋涉。然而,在决斗的最后一刻,他被他的年轻战士崇拜者红色马文从必死的境地中救了出来,他根本不能像自己希望的那样死去!无论他失去了什么,他都会以不同的力量重新获得。他甚至变得无敌了。甚至到了他宁愿用身体部位换回他的死亡的地步!但随后他被引导一个发现,可能使继续活着实际上是值得的…
Reissuing these early volumes in a new larger size omnibus! The planet Terra Amata, on which Dungeon resides, has stopped turning. On one side, total darkness and absolute coldness; on the other, a searing desert and eternal day. The survivors live on a thin slice of earth where day and night meet. A territory known as TWILIGHT. Welcome to the third facet of the Dungeon world, its dark downfall. Marvin, now old and blind, sensing his end, goes on a long trek to the legendary cemetery of dragons. And then, saved at the last minute from certain death in a duel by his young warrior admirer Marvin the Red, he simply cannot be let to die like he wishes! Whatever he loses, he regains in different powers. He's even become invincible. It's to the point where he'd rather exchange body parts to get back his mortality! But then he is led to a discovery that may make continuing to live actually worth it...

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