The Hunt 漫画 百度网盘下载

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在她父亲的临终前,奥拉·罗奇与古老的斯拉格神话面对面。 一群邪恶到连地狱都不会收留的魂魄。 多年后,她相信她父亲的灵魂仍被困在某种形式的阴间,她开始寻找答案——开始了一段旅程,带领她走上一条探索我们死后真正发生在我们身上的道路。
At her father's deathbed, Orla Roche came face-to-face with the age-old myth of The Sluagh; a group of soul-stealing spirits so evil that not even hell would take them. Years later, and with the belief that her father's soul is still trapped in some form of the netherworld, she goes looking for answers--beginning a journey that leads her down a path to discover what really happens to us after we die.

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