Star Trek Classics The Mirror Universe Saga 2022 漫画下载

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接续《星际迷航 III:寻找史波克》,柯克上将和美国军舰的船员。 企业在粉丝最喜欢的镜子宇宙中与邪恶版本的自己对峙! 柯克上将和他的船员必须与一个非常熟悉的敌人作战,因为来自帝国的军队已经越过了一个跨维度的突破口,在联邦空间造成了严重破坏。 当帝国试图征服另一个宇宙时,愚弄和绝望开始显现,柯克、史波克和企业号的船员将利用所有经验来抵御即将到来的入侵并拯救联邦!
Picking up where STAR TREK III: THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK left off, Admiral Kirk and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise face off with evil versions of themselves in the fan-favorite Mirror Universe! Admiral Kirk and his crew must battle against a very familiar foe, as forces from the Empire have crossed an interdimensional breach to wreak havoc in Federation space. Deception and desperation unfold as the Empire tries to conquer another universe, and it will take all the experience of Kirk, Spock, and the crew of the Enterprise to fend off the coming invasion and save the Federation!

Star Trek Classics The Mirror Universe Saga 2022 漫画下载 Star Trek Classics The Mirror Universe Saga 2022 漫画下载 Star Trek Classics The Mirror Universe Saga 2022 漫画下载 Star Trek Classics The Mirror Universe Saga 2022 漫画下载 Star Trek Classics The Mirror Universe Saga 2022 漫画下载

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