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NOTE 1: This product is a .lib4d file which you need to put in your /library/preferences/maxon/YOURVERSIONOFC4D/library/browser
             After putting the _Material-Pack.lib4d file into that folder, restart Cinema 4D, open up your Content Browser and it will show up as a folder in your presets.
NOTE 2: The textures may need to be modified according to your lighting set-up. Lighting has a huge effect on how textures look, so just keep that in mind.
NOTE 3: Cinema R14 has a couple of new features, such as "Weathering" and "Normalizer." These plugins are utilized in some of the textures (not many). If you are using R13 or before you will get a missing plugin error. You can still use all of the textures, but if they use weathering or normalizer they will just be missing a bit of detail.

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