Drawing Down the Moon 画下月亮 欧美精美画集 Vess - Charles

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Verdant fairy forests. Whispering mountains. The fallen towers of ancient kings. Spirit-filled lakes. The distant strains of elven bards. For over thirty years, the fantasy art of Charles Vess has been acclaimed worldwide; his rich palette, striking compositions, and lavish detail second to none in the field. Vess has been the illustrator of choice for countless publishers and writers, and is perhaps best known for his collaborations with best-selling author Neil Gaiman, including the illustrated novel "Stardust", whose major-motion-picture adaptation from Paramount Pictures launched in summer 2007.

Drawing Down the Moon 画下月亮 欧美精美画集 Vess - Charles Drawing Down the Moon 画下月亮 欧美精美画集 Vess - Charles Drawing Down the Moon 画下月亮 欧美精美画集 Vess - Charles Drawing Down the Moon 画下月亮 欧美精美画集 Vess - Charles Drawing Down the Moon 画下月亮 欧美精美画集 Vess - Charles Drawing Down the Moon 画下月亮 欧美精美画集 Vess - Charles Drawing Down the Moon 画下月亮 欧美精美画集 Vess - Charles

上一主题郑问之三国志画集 下一主题Yuuri Nishiwaki 2008 Gururi - 8 西脇ゆぅり
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