AR增强现实游戏 制作入门实例视频教程

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AR Gaming has never been so much fun. Learn how to create a retro remake of the classic duck hunting game in augmented reality for IOS & Android devices from the ground up.
This course provides you with the tools needed to break into Augmented Reality gaming (AR) in a fun way. Using a hands on approach and step-by-step instructions, you will learn how to create an AR game from the ground up.
No experience in prior coding languages is necessary as I guide you through the basics, explaining the why as well as the how when building your game.
This is a very hands on learn by doing course. I provide all assets which you can download via the course resources section.
Duck model
Audio sound files
Environmental assets via a download
Gun model
Graphics for the on screen display
I start with the absolute basics, how to setup Unity and Vuforia, how to import 3D models into unity and then make it all come together.
As we progress I explain how to use the Vuforia image targets how to build games in Unity 3D. What better way to learn to code for augmented reality than creating an addictive classic game?

AR增强现实游戏 制作入门实例视频教程 AR增强现实游戏 制作入门实例视频教程 AR增强现实游戏 制作入门实例视频教程 AR增强现实游戏 制作入门实例视频教程 AR增强现实游戏 制作入门实例视频教程 AR增强现实游戏 制作入门实例视频教程 AR增强现实游戏 制作入门实例视频教程

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