Unity制作VR虚拟现实游戏 基础入门教学视频教程 附源文件

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Craft your first VR experience in Unity with a no-frills approach
About This Video
Understand why to use Unity 5.6
Set up for both Oculus Rift and HTC Vive
View VR in Android phones both using Cardboard and Daydream
In Detail
Building your First VR Experience with Unity aims to provide those who are new to developing virtual reality apps with an introduction to Unity, and the goal is guide the user through crafting their first VR application in a straightforward manner, which will then serve as a skeleton onto which future lessons will build expertise.
Whether a customer is looking to use virtual reality for game development, architectural walkthroughs, product showcases, or even more custom applications, this course is intended to provide a strong foundation in 3D modeling, C# coding, interaction design, SDK use, and general best practices for VR that will help make VR experiences you develop exciting and memorable (and crucially, not nauseating.) The examples will focus on using Unity3D, the premier virtual reality creation tool which accounts for over 80% of all VR content released today.

Unity制作VR虚拟现实游戏 基础入门教学视频教程 附源文件 Unity制作VR虚拟现实游戏 基础入门教学视频教程 附源文件 Unity制作VR虚拟现实游戏 基础入门教学视频教程 附源文件 Unity制作VR虚拟现实游戏 基础入门教学视频教程 附源文件 Unity制作VR虚拟现实游戏 基础入门教学视频教程 附源文件 Unity制作VR虚拟现实游戏 基础入门教学视频教程 附源文件 Unity制作VR虚拟现实游戏 基础入门教学视频教程 附源文件
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