华特·迪士尼的米老鼠 全收集

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Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse收集了20世纪30年代华特·迪士尼的大部分米老鼠作品,包括各种漫画和报刊,算是很全面的米老鼠大观园。总共12册,大部分是黑白的,总体积大概是12G多点,有心下载的的网友可要注意大小了。
Fantagraphics is currently releasing the works of Carl Barks and Floyd Gottfredson at nearly the exact same time. The latest two volumes arrived at my house just days apart leaving me in the enviable position of figuring out which to read first. Should I go with Barks amazing interpretation of Donald Duck for Dell Comics or Gottfredson's wonderful Mickey Mouse created for newspapers. As much as I love Barks I have to pick Gottfredson but it's no easy choice. As good as Barks is Gottfredson is basically the template for the look of Disney's funny animal comics. Barks carved out his own distinctive look but if there were an archetype for Disney comics it would be Gottfredson. One of the most amazing things about Gottfredson is that he never cuts corners. Where most artists will often skimp on backgrounds sometimes having nothing but a blank wall Gottfredson includes detail on almost every frame. It's as if it never even occurred to him to slack off.


华特·迪士尼的米老鼠 全收集 华特·迪士尼的米老鼠 全收集 华特·迪士尼的米老鼠 全收集 华特·迪士尼的米老鼠 全收集 华特·迪士尼的米老鼠 全收集 华特·迪士尼的米老鼠 全收集

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