Blender产品广告制作视频教程 饮料包装瓶实例教学 附源文件

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Learn how to take an asset from start to finish in this powerful open source software. In this course, Creating Assets in Blender, you’ll learn about the asset creation pipeline in Blender. First, you’ll begin by constructing the 3D Model utilizing Blender’s many modeling tools. Then, you’ll move on to UV Unwrapping so you can apply textures, and add Normal Maps and Displacement Maps to the asset so you can achieve even more detail in the mesh without having to do any extra modeling. Finally, you’ll create realistic materials for the asset including plastic, paper, and a cola liquid. By the end of this course, you’ll have a strong grasp of the entire asset creation pipeline in Blender and you’ll be able to apply your skills when working on your own projects. Software required: Blender v2.77.

Blender产品广告制作视频教程 饮料包装瓶实例教学 附源文件 Blender产品广告制作视频教程 饮料包装瓶实例教学 附源文件 Blender产品广告制作视频教程 饮料包装瓶实例教学 附源文件 Blender产品广告制作视频教程 饮料包装瓶实例教学 附源文件 Blender产品广告制作视频教程 饮料包装瓶实例教学 附源文件 Blender产品广告制作视频教程 饮料包装瓶实例教学 附源文件 Blender产品广告制作视频教程 饮料包装瓶实例教学 附源文件
上一主题C4D建模渲染视频教程 气球群飞升效果制作渲染教学 下一主题Blender使用教学视频教程 初学者极限挑战 附源文件
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