Cinema 4D模型制作视频教程 雪人建模渲染实例制作教学

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If you’re intimidated by Cinema 4D and don’t know where to start this class is perfect. I provide a quick walkthrough of the interface and reveal more powerful features of this amazing program as we set off building a snowman and this winter scene:
This class covers:
Using primitive shapes with no polygon modeling to create a snowman
A basic intro to Spline Modeling to create the twig arms
Creating and applying Materials to the models
Using a Bend deformer to create a studio backdrop (very useful for product presentations)
An intro to Lights in Cinema 4D
How to use the Sun light and Physical Sky to light a scene
Adding a Camera and framing the shot
Using the Physical render engine and Depth of Field to get photo-real camera blur
Editing render settings and outputting a file to be edited in Photoshop

Cinema 4D模型制作视频教程 雪人建模渲染实例制作教学 Cinema 4D模型制作视频教程 雪人建模渲染实例制作教学 Cinema 4D模型制作视频教程 雪人建模渲染实例制作教学 Cinema 4D模型制作视频教程 雪人建模渲染实例制作教学 Cinema 4D模型制作视频教程 雪人建模渲染实例制作教学 Cinema 4D模型制作视频教程 雪人建模渲染实例制作教学 Cinema 4D模型制作视频教程 雪人建模渲染实例制作教学
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