C4D材质着色器技术高级视频教程 模型材质着色实例教学 附源文件

用户头像 绿毛公主
In this intermediate to advanced Cinema 4D course we’ll explore the Layer Shader capabilities within C4D and learn how to create complex multi-layered materials. Professor Tony Copolillo will be using Procedural Textures, Blending Modes, Folder Groups and Layer Masks to recreate some real-world textures without using any pixel-based imagery such as scanned images or photographs. All the textures we’ll create are generated from within Cinema 4D off-the-shelf without the use of expensive third party plug-ins.
We’ll also build low-poly models by hand and compare them to C4D’s Modeling Generator tools and then apply custom-built materials to achieve some superior results. Note that some classes will use MoGraph and the Hair Module not available in all versions of C4D.
Tony is a Los Angeles-based artist/photographer/illustrator and senior art director with 20+ years experience in high-end digital photo-compositing for motion picture print advertising clients Disney, Fox, DreamWorks, Universal, WB, HBO, Netflix and more. Most recent projects have been focusing efforts in feature film VFX, 3D and motion graphics, as well as teaching courses in Cinema 4D.

C4D材质着色器技术高级视频教程 模型材质着色实例教学 附源文件 C4D材质着色器技术高级视频教程 模型材质着色实例教学 附源文件 C4D材质着色器技术高级视频教程 模型材质着色实例教学 附源文件 C4D材质着色器技术高级视频教程 模型材质着色实例教学 附源文件 C4D材质着色器技术高级视频教程 模型材质着色实例教学 附源文件 C4D材质着色器技术高级视频教程 模型材质着色实例教学 附源文件 C4D材质着色器技术高级视频教程 模型材质着色实例教学 附源文件
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