ZBrush Keyshot三眼怪物制作视频教程 外星怪物高精模雕刻教学

用户头像 绿毛公主
In this DVD, Dominic Qwek covers how to create realistic skin for his creature designs using ZBrush, Keyshot and Photoshop. He starts off by using ZBrush to sculpt realistic skin details such as wrinkles, moles and warts. Dominic then uses polypaint in ZBrush to texture skin tones where he adopts a layered approach for realistic results. Using the GoZ plugin, he imports the polypainted model into Keyshot where he starts lighting and shading. Keyshot’s translucent shader is explained, as well as its HDR lighting features, for photo-realistic and interactive rendering. Finally, Dominic shares his post-processing workflow in Photoshop to achieve the final image.

ZBrush Keyshot三眼怪物制作视频教程 外星怪物高精模雕刻教学 ZBrush Keyshot三眼怪物制作视频教程 外星怪物高精模雕刻教学 ZBrush Keyshot三眼怪物制作视频教程 外星怪物高精模雕刻教学 ZBrush Keyshot三眼怪物制作视频教程 外星怪物高精模雕刻教学 ZBrush Keyshot三眼怪物制作视频教程 外星怪物高精模雕刻教学 ZBrush Keyshot三眼怪物制作视频教程 外星怪物高精模雕刻教学 ZBrush Keyshot三眼怪物制作视频教程 外星怪物高精模雕刻教学
上一主题ZBrush 3dsMax昆虫制作视频教程 变异螳螂模型雕刻教学 附源文件 下一主题ZBrush Keyshot卡通海盗制作视频教程 建模渲染制作流程教学
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