Maya卡通人物建模视频教程 卡通宇航员模型制作教学 附源文件

用户头像 绿毛公主
Peek into the features of Maya and learn the tools needed to get started modeling your own character designs. Software required: Maya 2016. In this Maya tutorial, you’ll get a peek into this powerful full featured 3D creation program. If you don’t have Maya, you can get a free 30-day trial, or if you’re a student, you can get a free 3-year license. It’s a complicated program, but we’re going to pace ourselves and start with something manageable. For our character project, we’re going to build a cartoon astronaut. We’ll learn to use polygons to build up different shapes and then learn to connect different pieces together. We’ll learn to create smooth surfaces when we want them, but we’ll also learn when and how to add edge loops to give our objects more definition. By the end of this Maya training, you’ll have the tools you need to begin modeling your own character designs. Software required: Maya 2016

Maya卡通人物建模视频教程 卡通宇航员模型制作教学 附源文件 Maya卡通人物建模视频教程 卡通宇航员模型制作教学 附源文件 Maya卡通人物建模视频教程 卡通宇航员模型制作教学 附源文件 Maya卡通人物建模视频教程 卡通宇航员模型制作教学 附源文件 Maya卡通人物建模视频教程 卡通宇航员模型制作教学 附源文件 Maya卡通人物建模视频教程 卡通宇航员模型制作教学 附源文件 Maya卡通人物建模视频教程 卡通宇航员模型制作教学 附源文件

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