Maya爆炸模视频教程 地面粉尘火焰效果动画制作教学 附原因

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Digital-Tutors Simulating a Ground Dust Explosion in Maya
In this Maya tutorial, we’ll simulate a ground dust explosion using fluids and particles.
This course is divided in two sections. In the first section, we’ll delve into all of the essential steps and procedures to create a large scale explosion as our primarily a
dust explosion. We’ll use the particles to drive the motion of fluids and add lots of bursts to the overall reaction.
Then we’ll move onto the second section, where we’ll study the impact generated by our explosion in the form of dust and shock waves. We’ll also cover the various attributes
of fluid containers and emitters to sustain a realistic dust explosion.
By the end of this Maya training, you’ll be able to create your own dust explosion using Maya’s fluids and particles.


Maya爆炸模视频教程 地面粉尘火焰效果动画制作教学 附原因 Maya爆炸模视频教程 地面粉尘火焰效果动画制作教学 附原因 Maya爆炸模视频教程 地面粉尘火焰效果动画制作教学 附原因 Maya爆炸模视频教程 地面粉尘火焰效果动画制作教学 附原因 Maya爆炸模视频教程 地面粉尘火焰效果动画制作教学 附原因 Maya爆炸模视频教程 地面粉尘火焰效果动画制作教学 附原因 Maya爆炸模视频教程 地面粉尘火焰效果动画制作教学 附原因
上一主题3dsmax室内环境光渲染视频教程 场景光渲染效果制作教学 附源文件 下一主题3dsmax龙头雕刻视频教程 魔幻风龙头超精细模型制作效果
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