3dsMax建模视频教学 高精度机器人骨骼绑定视频教程下载 附有源文件

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The Templar Assault Mech tutorial from 3d-palace is our new flagship training piece – combining 15 years of experience at teaching and hard surface from our lead tutor Cris as well as techniques and methodology learned from years working on mechanical high detail work.
If you have ever dreamed of becoming an awesome hard surface mechanical artist and have just been sadly disappointed by the tutorials on offer on YouTube and other sites then it is time that you gave yourself the set you deserve! Not only that but also, because not everyone uses 3ds Max – wherever possible the set is platform independent. You want to use Blender – go nuts. You have Modo? Go hog wild! Maya? Hell yeah.
What do you learn?
Hard Surface Professional Skills
Polygon Modelling skills
Spline Modelling skills
Boolean Modelling skills
Rigging skills
Procedural animation and controller skills
Project Management skills
Much much more…
By entering in to this tutorial you are not getting two hours of a bored presenter powerpointing his way to glory with slide after mind numbing slide, failing to explain what tools do, their relevance and where you use them. You don’t get a 2 hour jump-fest where parts are done off screen and BAMMO – you had that tool library right? RIGHT? …
No. You get THIRTY FIVE HOURS of tutorial. THIRTY FIVE. That… that is less than £1 an hour. Each hour is PACKED with learning as you are shown not some of the project, not most of the project but ALL of the project. No timelapsing. No skipping. No “Oh hay you had this kitbash set I sold for $X right?”. I show you EVERYTHING that you need to know to make that huge mechanical killing machine from its toes to its massive rail-guns.
Not only that but also our tutor, Cris, is clearly spoken, funny, incisive, informative and knows how to get the job done! Yes, on occasion parts may become repetitive however that is how we learn – and because it is repetative you can be sure there are more than a few anecdotes to keep you entertained in the meantime.

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