Substance Designer标识材质制作视频教程 路标路牌材质制作教学 附源文件

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In this video, we learn how to use the true power of Substance Designer by diving into the world of parameters and generators. We will be building a full project from start to finish, going through the different parameter types and ways of setting them up. The topic is a versatile procedural traffic sign generator with lots of options and features. This is a fully narrated step by step tutorial aimed for beginners to intermediate users.
Tutorials in my Fundamentals series are meant to be resource videos that demonstrate how to learn SD from the ground up. They show the core lessons that I have learned in my own journey. Each tutorial contains multiple examples, where I’ll be building from scratch, and narrating each step along the way. The focus is not on building complete materials, but on learning how to use nodes, and how to approach problems. These lessons will help to form a good foundation for anyone starting out.

Substance Designer标识材质制作视频教程 路标路牌材质制作教学 附源文件 Substance Designer标识材质制作视频教程 路标路牌材质制作教学 附源文件 Substance Designer标识材质制作视频教程 路标路牌材质制作教学 附源文件 Substance Designer标识材质制作视频教程 路标路牌材质制作教学 附源文件 Substance Designer标识材质制作视频教程 路标路牌材质制作教学 附源文件 Substance Designer标识材质制作视频教程 路标路牌材质制作教学 附源文件 Substance Designer标识材质制作视频教程 路标路牌材质制作教学 附源文件
上一主题Cinema4D动画场景制作视频教程 卡通火车过山洞动画制作 下一主题Substance Designer先进材质制作视频教程 材质制作实例教程 附源文件
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