Blender三维动画视频教程 软件核心技术全面教学

用户头像 两个顶点
What Will I Learn?
At the end of my course, students will know the basics and the more advanced skills to masterfully navigate and create their own works of 3D art
At the end of my course, students will feel confident navigating around Blender and the different tools to use and what they do
At the end of my course, students will be able to create their own characters and animation scenes and know all the different steps that it takes to go from nothing to a fully finished animation project
All you need to do before is down Blender which is free and then bring your mouse and keyboard and join me on this adventure!
You can download GIMP which is a free photo editing software or use Photoshop or another software that you might have
Learn the A-Z’s that you need to be able to create amazing 3D art and animations with the popular 3D art program, “Blender.”
Beginner to the world of 3D? No problem! In this course we go from A-Z, from the basics to the more advanced of 3D creation. This course is project based so we will be using the skills we learn along the way to create some awesome artwork and animations. On top of that, we’re going to have fun and end each video in a positive way that will leave us ready for whatever Blender or life throws at us!

Blender三维动画视频教程 软件核心技术全面教学 Blender三维动画视频教程 软件核心技术全面教学 Blender三维动画视频教程 软件核心技术全面教学 Blender三维动画视频教程 软件核心技术全面教学 Blender三维动画视频教程 软件核心技术全面教学 Blender三维动画视频教程 软件核心技术全面教学 Blender三维动画视频教程 软件核心技术全面教学
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