Vue地形制作视频教程 地形地理创意设计工作流程教学 附源文件

用户头像 两个顶点
Creating terrains in Vue can be overwhelming for new users. In this training you will learn all about terrain generation and design. After completing this training you will have a firm understanding of the various terrain types that can be created using Vue. Four hours of advanced terrain design techniques from Vue professional Nicholas Pellegrino.
Explore the many creative design processes for terrain creation in Vue 2016.
Take an in-depth look at the new erosion nodes & heightfield terrain features. Explore presets and custom controls.
Shape terrains using splines.
Drive material layer alphas with terrain procedural functions and special erosion controls.
Create procedural terrains and drive material functions using a combination of fractal & noise nodes
Paint and sculpt terrains using texture maps and custom sculpting brushes.
Bake eroded terrains and alphas to heightfield image maps.
Learn design, management, and workflow techniques for advanced terrain control.
Learn about the many levels of terrain geometry and how to control them.
Learn to lock baked maps to terrain size for easy scaling of material layers.
Sculpting and painting techniques using procedural terrain zones.
Auto and manual manipulation of terrain materials.
Learn to use the function editor to design terrains and control material graphs.

Vue地形制作视频教程 地形地理创意设计工作流程教学 附源文件 Vue地形制作视频教程 地形地理创意设计工作流程教学 附源文件 Vue地形制作视频教程 地形地理创意设计工作流程教学 附源文件 Vue地形制作视频教程 地形地理创意设计工作流程教学 附源文件 Vue地形制作视频教程 地形地理创意设计工作流程教学 附源文件 Vue地形制作视频教程 地形地理创意设计工作流程教学 附源文件 Vue地形制作视频教程 地形地理创意设计工作流程教学 附源文件

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