BlenderHDR图像混合照明技术视频教学教程 附源文件

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Watch this crash course and master the complete HDR image-based lighting workflow, 100% Blender
In this course Gleb Alexandrov from Creative Shrimp shows how Image-based lighting is an opportunity to achieve astounding realism.
If you’ve just started tinkering with HDR image-based lighting in Blender,
it may seem daunting. So hard to control the direction of light (Gimme
the rim light, you, Blender!). Even harder to avoid a blown-out
On top of that, there seems to be so many things to wrap your head around: High Dynamic Range, 32-bit textures, Tone Mapping…
But actually, this workflow is MUCH easier than you might have thought. I promise.
After watching this step-by-step guide, you’ll get the super powers to crush the image-based lighting in Blender.
All the project files are included, so you can follow along with video tutorials

BlenderHDR图像混合照明技术视频教学教程 附源文件 BlenderHDR图像混合照明技术视频教学教程 附源文件 BlenderHDR图像混合照明技术视频教学教程 附源文件 BlenderHDR图像混合照明技术视频教学教程 附源文件 BlenderHDR图像混合照明技术视频教学教程 附源文件 BlenderHDR图像混合照明技术视频教学教程 附源文件 BlenderHDR图像混合照明技术视频教学教程 附源文件

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