Substance Designer纹理制作视频教程 冬天雪景纹理贴图制作教学 附源文件

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In Winter Shaders in Substance, we will be walking through the workflow of creating various snow textures in Substance Designer. To start, we will be hopping on the internet to grab some reference to guide us towards the final result. From there we will be jumping right into Substance Designer and begin building our first graph and build multiple sub-graphs as well. This will allow us to have a better grasp behind how each graph will be constructed. Once we have our initial graph completed, we will export the maps and setup a basic shader in the Unreal Engine. Next, we will begin the process of building the graph for our second snow texture. With that graph complete, we will repeat the process of exporting and importing from Substance Designer to Unreal as we start the building of our environment materials. To wrap things up, we will build out our environment set and add some simple assets to help populate the landscape before creating our final renders.

Substance Designer纹理制作视频教程 冬天雪景纹理贴图制作教学 附源文件 Substance Designer纹理制作视频教程 冬天雪景纹理贴图制作教学 附源文件 Substance Designer纹理制作视频教程 冬天雪景纹理贴图制作教学 附源文件 Substance Designer纹理制作视频教程 冬天雪景纹理贴图制作教学 附源文件 Substance Designer纹理制作视频教程 冬天雪景纹理贴图制作教学 附源文件 Substance Designer纹理制作视频教程 冬天雪景纹理贴图制作教学 附源文件 Substance Designer纹理制作视频教程 冬天雪景纹理贴图制作教学 附源文件
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