Substance Designer木材纹理制作视频教程 真实材质效果制作 附源文件

用户头像 格雷尔的小剪刀
In this course we will be covering how to create multiple procedural wood textures in substance designer. To start, we will go over how to create a proper normal, diffuse, roughness and metallic map shader networks for our base wood using the pbr texturing workflow. From there, we will learn how to create a painted version of our wood in the same network while still keeping everything procedural. Once every thing is looking good, we will render our final texture in Marmoset Toolbag 3 as we make some nice screenshots for our portfolio. With the Marmoset environment setup, we will then revisit our network and begin working on our birch tree bark texture. With this, we will be learning how to expose parameters within substance so that you can quickly change the look of your texture with just a few sliders. There’s a lot of Substance goodness to absorb here, so don’t miss this one!

Substance Designer木材纹理制作视频教程 真实材质效果制作 附源文件 Substance Designer木材纹理制作视频教程 真实材质效果制作 附源文件 Substance Designer木材纹理制作视频教程 真实材质效果制作 附源文件 Substance Designer木材纹理制作视频教程 真实材质效果制作 附源文件 Substance Designer木材纹理制作视频教程 真实材质效果制作 附源文件 Substance Designer木材纹理制作视频教程 真实材质效果制作 附源文件 Substance Designer木材纹理制作视频教程 真实材质效果制作 附源文件
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