Houdini游戏特效视频教程 角色动作片和环境场景制作 附源文件

用户头像 格雷尔的小剪刀
Have you ever sat down in Unreal Engine to create an effect, and not had a clue where to start? Then you’ll love this course, Houdini VFX for Games. First, you’ll start from the very beginning by creating the textures for your sprites. Next, you’ll create debris in a way that allows you use over and over again. Finally, you’ll add all the extras to really sell the effect, like decals, camera shake, and a shockwave. When you are finished with this course, not only will you have gained a deeper understanding of timing and the importance of telling a story with the effect, but you’ll have planted the seed for future endeavors into proceduralism. Software required: Houdini, Photoshop and Unreal Engine 4.

Houdini游戏特效视频教程 角色动作片和环境场景制作 附源文件 Houdini游戏特效视频教程 角色动作片和环境场景制作 附源文件 Houdini游戏特效视频教程 角色动作片和环境场景制作 附源文件 Houdini游戏特效视频教程 角色动作片和环境场景制作 附源文件 Houdini游戏特效视频教程 角色动作片和环境场景制作 附源文件 Houdini游戏特效视频教程 角色动作片和环境场景制作 附源文件 Houdini游戏特效视频教程 角色动作片和环境场景制作 附源文件
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