C4D灯光视频教程 照明技术高级实例教学

用户头像 格雷尔的小剪刀
This course focuses on beginners that are just getting started with Cinema 4D and want to start working with lights. First, you’ll learn about how real life lighting definitions translate into the ones in Cinema 4D. After that, you will create your first light and your first Global Illumination pass. By the end of the course, you’ll have enough knowledge to tackle lighting two different scenes. Software required: Cinema 4D.

C4D灯光视频教程 照明技术高级实例教学 C4D灯光视频教程 照明技术高级实例教学 C4D灯光视频教程 照明技术高级实例教学 C4D灯光视频教程 照明技术高级实例教学 C4D灯光视频教程 照明技术高级实例教学 C4D灯光视频教程 照明技术高级实例教学 C4D灯光视频教程 照明技术高级实例教学
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