Blender动态模拟特效视频教程 特效动画制作视频教学

用户头像 格雷尔的小剪刀
This course introduces you to world of dynamic simulation! Things like smoke, fire, soft and hard falling objects, fabric, pouring liquids, and more – All of this is accomplished with dynamic simulation in Blender. The key is that the computer does most of the work for you, as opposed to manually having to animate super complex motion like cloth blowing in the wind. Dynamic simulation is a powerful asset in the digital artists’ toolbox.

Blender动态模拟特效视频教程 特效动画制作视频教学 Blender动态模拟特效视频教程 特效动画制作视频教学 Blender动态模拟特效视频教程 特效动画制作视频教学 Blender动态模拟特效视频教程 特效动画制作视频教学 Blender动态模拟特效视频教程 特效动画制作视频教学 Blender动态模拟特效视频教程 特效动画制作视频教学 Blender动态模拟特效视频教程 特效动画制作视频教学

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