Maya毛发制作教程 角色毛发胡须制作视频教学 附源文件

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Creation of hair in CGI, once a difficult and time consuming task, is becoming far more accessible and easier to create with every release of Maya. This course, Maya Dynamics: nHair, Xgen, and Interactive Grooming, will introduce users to the most important basic functions and workflows found within Maya 2017 to create Hair. First, you will begin learning about the nHair toolset. This will include several methods of hair creation as well as setting up dynamics for hair. Following this, you will be given a crash course in creating hair in Xgen. This will include working with groomable splines for short hair, as well as hair splines for longer hair. Finally, you will be introduced to the amazing new interactive grooming feature in Maya 2017, a feature that is sure to become the future of hair creation in Maya. By the end of this course, you’ll know multiple methods, as well as the pros and cons of each of these methods, to create hair inside of Maya 2017. Software required: Autodesk Maya 2017.

Maya毛发制作教程 角色毛发胡须制作视频教学 附源文件 Maya毛发制作教程 角色毛发胡须制作视频教学 附源文件 Maya毛发制作教程 角色毛发胡须制作视频教学 附源文件 Maya毛发制作教程 角色毛发胡须制作视频教学 附源文件 Maya毛发制作教程 角色毛发胡须制作视频教学 附源文件 Maya毛发制作教程 角色毛发胡须制作视频教学 附源文件 Maya毛发制作教程 角色毛发胡须制作视频教学 附源文件
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