Maya动画视频教程 四足骨骼动作动画视频教学 附源文件

用户头像 红框眼镜的少女
Quadrupeds come in various types, and they all have their own unique needs, but in this module we will rig a canine character which covers many of the unique problems in rigging a quadruped. Some of these problems include how to deal with the back leg and setting up a spline ik for the back.In the first module we will analyze the problem we are attempting to solve. We will start with talking about some basic rigging processes we will use throughout the modules, and then discuss how we will lay out our joints. At the end, we will bind our mesh to the joints and begin skinning.In the second module we will go through the process of skinning our character using tools such as the Paint Weights Tool, the Prune Small Weights function, and the Component Editor. In the third module, we start building the control rig to drive our bind joints, focusing on a simple fk control structure for the tail, and then working on the back dog legIn our fourth and final module, we will finish the rig, completing the front leg as well as the spine and the head/neck area. We will also illustrate how we can deal with some of the quirks we stumble over in Maya.

Maya动画视频教程 四足骨骼动作动画视频教学 附源文件 Maya动画视频教程 四足骨骼动作动画视频教学 附源文件 Maya动画视频教程 四足骨骼动作动画视频教学 附源文件 Maya动画视频教程 四足骨骼动作动画视频教学 附源文件 Maya动画视频教程 四足骨骼动作动画视频教学 附源文件 Maya动画视频教程 四足骨骼动作动画视频教学 附源文件 Maya动画视频教程 四足骨骼动作动画视频教学 附源文件

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