Blender建模与骨骼套索视频教程 3D三维模型制作教学

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Udemy Learn 3D Modelling & Rigging in Blender
Excel at 3D modelling
Interested in 3D modelling? Maybe some simple rigging, then join me on this beginner level modelling course as we create a simple paint rig.
We start by creating a basic shape and by using an array and curve modifier we quickly form our tracks.
We add some drivers to control the rotation and movement of these tracks.
Next we begin modelling the body of the rig.

Blender建模与骨骼套索视频教程 3D三维模型制作教学 Blender建模与骨骼套索视频教程 3D三维模型制作教学 Blender建模与骨骼套索视频教程 3D三维模型制作教学 Blender建模与骨骼套索视频教程 3D三维模型制作教学 Blender建模与骨骼套索视频教程 3D三维模型制作教学 Blender建模与骨骼套索视频教程 3D三维模型制作教学 Blender建模与骨骼套索视频教程 3D三维模型制作教学
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