ZBrush眼部雕刻视频教程 人眼窝雕刻教学 附源文件

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Digital-Tutors Sculpting Human Eyes in ZBrush
The eyes of our characters have to be among their most important features. And although everyone’s eyes are different, there are some key landmarks that will exist for most human characters.
Our goal in sculpting the eyes is to create a slightly unique look while still adhering to some common structural elements. In this tutorial we will go over the basic shapes and landmarks of human eyes.
We’ll start by using ZBrush to build up some material around the top and bottom of the eyeball. We’ll use DynaMesh and inserted curves to quickly define the eyelids and add mass. Brushes like Polish and Pinch will allow us to get a more defined look and the Move brush will be a great tool for relocating sculpted areas to better match our end goal.
In the end, you’ll have a better understanding of the structure of the area around human eyes and you’ll be much more comfortable sculpting the eyes for your human characters.

ZBrush眼部雕刻视频教程 人眼窝雕刻教学 附源文件 ZBrush眼部雕刻视频教程 人眼窝雕刻教学 附源文件 ZBrush眼部雕刻视频教程 人眼窝雕刻教学 附源文件 ZBrush眼部雕刻视频教程 人眼窝雕刻教学 附源文件 ZBrush眼部雕刻视频教程 人眼窝雕刻教学 附源文件 ZBrush眼部雕刻视频教程 人眼窝雕刻教学 附源文件 ZBrush眼部雕刻视频教程 人眼窝雕刻教学 附源文件
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