ZBrush 雕刻恶魔角色教学视频教程 附源工程文件

用户头像 格雷尔的电锯
Digital-Tutors Sculpting a Demonic Creature in ZBrush
In this tutorial we will be using ZBrush to create a full monster sculpture. Starting from a base mesh, we will quickly block out our forms and focus on the anatomy of the body, the gesture of the pose and the shape of the head. Once we have that base established we will move on to the detailing and making of props such as a belt and weapons for our monster.
After all of this, we will pop into Photoshop to create a cool and stylish render. By the end of this tutorial you should be more than comfortable sculpting your own full bodied creations.


ZBrush 雕刻恶魔角色教学视频教程 附源工程文件 ZBrush 雕刻恶魔角色教学视频教程 附源工程文件 ZBrush 雕刻恶魔角色教学视频教程 附源工程文件 ZBrush 雕刻恶魔角色教学视频教程 附源工程文件 ZBrush 雕刻恶魔角色教学视频教程 附源工程文件 ZBrush 雕刻恶魔角色教学视频教程 附源工程文件 ZBrush 雕刻恶魔角色教学视频教程 附源工程文件
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