ZBrush 逼真皮肤纹理制作视频教程 附源文件

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ZBrushWorkshops Creating Realistic Human Skin Textures
Welcome to Creating Realistic Human Skin Textures with Brian Wade! Learn how to create realistic human skin textures using traditional sculpting techniques in ZBrush. Let legendary special effects artist, Brian Wade, show you how! This is an on-demand course. Although downloads are not available, you have lifetime streaming access to all course content, so you are free to watch all of the videos in this workshop at your leisure. You will find all of the videos listed on the right-hand-side. There are no structured critiques for this workshop, but you are free to submit your work in the projects section to share with your peers.

ZBrush 逼真皮肤纹理制作视频教程 附源文件 ZBrush 逼真皮肤纹理制作视频教程 附源文件 ZBrush 逼真皮肤纹理制作视频教程 附源文件 ZBrush 逼真皮肤纹理制作视频教程 附源文件 ZBrush 逼真皮肤纹理制作视频教程 附源文件

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