Softimage2014 动画制作实例视频教程 附源文件

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Digital-Tutors Introduction to Animation in Softimage 2014
In this series of tutorials, we will learn the intuitive and fun animation tools of Softimage. We’ll cover everything from how to set up animation preferences and create key frames, to learning how animation can be modified from Softimage’s Timeline and Animation Editor.
We’ll learn how to animate objects along a path, how to work non-destructively with animation layers, as well as how to animate with constraints. By the end, you’ll be equipped with the understanding you need to animate comfortably inside of Softimage.

Softimage2014 动画制作实例视频教程 附源文件 Softimage2014 动画制作实例视频教程 附源文件 Softimage2014 动画制作实例视频教程 附源文件 Softimage2014 动画制作实例视频教程 附源文件 Softimage2014 动画制作实例视频教程 附源文件 Softimage2014 动画制作实例视频教程 附源文件 Softimage2014 动画制作实例视频教程 附源文件
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