Toon Boom Harmony 遮光特效效果制作视频教程 附源文件

用户头像 格雷尔的电锯
使用软件:Toon Boom Harmony 12.1Digital-Tutors Introduction to Light Shading in Harmony Premium
In this Toon Boom Harmony tutorial, we?ll learn about the Light Shading effect.
Using a simple example, we?ll begin this course by learning which nodes are essential for setting up a Light Shading effect, what they each represent, and how they connect together. Following this we?ll learn how to use a normal map to define the volume of artwork.
From here, we?ll spend a few lessons learning about the different types of light and how they can function as they interact with a mapped volume. Next we?ll learn how a Light Shading setup can work with a cutout character that is composed of multiple parts. We?ll conclude by learning how to add and carve on volumes in the normal map in addition to masking parts of a Light Shading effect.
By the end of this Toon Boom Harmony Premium training, you?ll have the knowledge you need to begin applying a Light Shading effect to your own projects.

Toon Boom Harmony 遮光特效效果制作视频教程 附源文件 Toon Boom Harmony 遮光特效效果制作视频教程 附源文件 Toon Boom Harmony 遮光特效效果制作视频教程 附源文件 Toon Boom Harmony 遮光特效效果制作视频教程 附源文件 Toon Boom Harmony 遮光特效效果制作视频教程 附源文件 Toon Boom Harmony 遮光特效效果制作视频教程 附源文件 Toon Boom Harmony 遮光特效效果制作视频教程 附源文件

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